OPAL-RT Products Training

OP103: NI VeriStand Add-On - Power Electronics Real-Time Simulation (OP103)

This course covers the configuration of real-time system using the OPAL-RT Power Electronics Add-On for NI Veristand on the National Instruments hardware platform.

- Learn the fundamentals of real-time simulation
- Review the basics of NI Veristand and the NI hardware platforms
- Understand FPGA-based simulation of power electronics using the eHS solver
- Configure the real-time system using the Power Electronics Add-On for NI Veristand
- Connect to physical systems using I/O channels
  • Section 1 - Setup And Installation
  • Video 1 - Introduction to NI VeriStand PE Add-On
  • Video 2 - Setting up the Development Machine
  • Video 3 - NI Hardware
  • Section 2 - Veristand Basics
  • Video 4 - Intro to NI VeriStand Part 1
  • Video 5 - Intro to NI VeriStand Part 2
  • Section 3 - PE Add-On Custom Device
  • Video 6 - PE Add-On Custom Device Configuration
  • Video 7 - The Circuit Model
  • Video 8 - Sources and Switches
  • Video 9 - Screens and Waveforms
  • Video 10 - Scenarios
  • Video 11 - Machines with Speed Control
  • Video 12 - Machines with Torque Control
  • Video 13 - Hardware-in-the-Loop
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever