OPAL-RT Products Certifications

Certification: OP204 - ePHASORSIM

Welcome to the OPAL-RT Power User Certification! This assessment is your opportunity to dive deep into a rigorous, knowledge-intensive journey and demonstrate your OPAL-RT expertise. Passing this certification sets you apart as an expert who can help their team leverage the powerful features of OPAL-RT products to meet their goals.

While this program is open to all, it's no walk in the park. We've crafted it to be challenging, making it a true measure of your technical mettle. You may use any resources available to prepare yourself for the test and during the test itself. During the test, you cannot contact OPAL-RT technical support.

Most resources can be found on the OPAL-RT web site in the Support section:

User Documentation: https://wiki.opal-rt.com/
Basic Video Tutorials: https://www.opal-rt.com/video-tutorials/
Knowledge Base: https://www.opal-rt.com/support-knowledge-base/
Various resources available in the Support - Resource Centre (Enter the keyword “ePHASORSIM” to display all ePHASORSIM related resources)
If you received a training from an OPAL-RT trainer, you can also use the training presentation slides, the workbook and exercises (OP204).

Feel free also to use the Help Menu directly available in the RT-LAB software.

Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended to get the OP204 - Electro-Mechanical Real-Time Simulation with ePHASORSIM course available here or provided by an OPAL-RT trainer.

Make sure you have the latest RT-LAB software version downloaded and installed on your computer. To download the latest version of RT-LAB (which includes latest ePHASORSIM version) from OPAL-RT’s website:

Go to Support - Download Centre
Download and install RT-LAB
Get and load a valid license

It is mandatory to succeed all sections to pass this certification. Any section can be done first.
  • Introduction
  • Certification Framework
  • Requirements, License, General
  • Requirements, License, General
  • Components Librairies
  • Native Library
  • Third Party Data Formats
  • Simulation
  • Simulation Settings, Power Flow, Parallel Simulation, Scripting & Error Codes
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years